
Weather and wind in El Gouna

What's the weather like in El Gouna? The best for kitesurfing!

The weather in El Gouna is excellent for kite surfers all year round – the daytime air temperature rarely drops below 25 degrees, and the lowest average monthly water temperature is 18 degrees!

It is rarely cooler than 25 degrees.

70% of days with winds above 4 Beaufort!

Min. 6 months swimming without wetsuits!

Average monthly water o air temperatures in El Gouna

Average daytime air temperature [°C]
Average daytime water temperature [°C]

Current El Gouna weather forecast from WINDGURU

Windguru is the best performing forecast on our spot in El Gouna. The best performing forecast is the WRF 9km PRO version on our set up spot – click here to, view the forecast. If you don’t have Windguru PRO version, you can check the weather for the coming days below. specially

Wind strength forecast for El Gouna from

Visual forecast of wind strength and direction for El Gouna for the next few days on the Beaufotra scale.

What’s the weather like in El Gouna? The best for kitesurfing!

See also

Our spot in El Gouna

How to get to RedSeaZone

Accommodation in El Gouna

Kitesurfing course booking form

course type

Group courses

Individual course

8 hours PROMO* Course

10 hours PROMO* Course

12 hours PROMO* Course


16 hours PROMO* Course

Group courses

Individual course

Single hour



Name and Surmane

E-mail address

Date from when

Date till when