
RedSeaZone kitesurfing school

18 years of experience in kitesurfing lessons ❤️

We have been in business for 18 years

As RedSeaZone we have been operational since 2005, and in the water sports industry since 1992. We have hundreds of satisfied clients and tons of experience that you can fully trust!

We speak 4 languages

We teach kitesurfing in Egypt in four languages: Polish, English, Arabic and Russian. Thanks to us you can meet friends from different parts of the world who share your passion!

Everything in one location

At our kite base in El Gouna you will find everything you need to learn kitesurfing and prepare properly for your kite trips (kitesafari).

A great atmosphere

Talented instructors and plenty of humour are the ideal environment to learn kitesurfing. We believe that the combination of practice and fun yields the best results.

Kitesurfers love RedSeaZone!

We have over 500 positive reviews from kitesurfers from all over the world in all major sources with an average rating close to perfection. Several hundred people can’t be wrong! Book a flight and join the large community of RedSeaZone friends.


5,0 from 38 opinions


4,8 from 405 opinions


4,7 from 145 opinions


The best year-round kitesurfing spot only 4 hours from Europe

Flat and shallow lagoon (about 500 m of water up to your waist), sandy beach and bottom, wonderful weather, turquoise water and impressive wind statistics make it impossible to dream of a better place to swim and learn kitesurfing. Thanks to these conditions, we swim 365 days a year at our kitesurf school!

Blue lagoon

Approximately 500 metres of blue water that reaches the waist - absolute perfection for beginners and advanced swimmers.


Annual wind statistics point to more than 70% of days with wind speed above 4 Beaufort!


The air temperature rarely drops below 25 degrees Celsius / 77 degrees Fahrenheit.


At least 6 months per year we swim without wetsuits, in the remaining months the water has the minimum temperature of 18 degrees Celcius / 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit.

RedSeaZone Base

At our base we have everything you need to learn kitesurfing – experienced instructors, equipment rental, changing rooms with sanitary facilities, as well as equipment storage and a bar and plenty of relaxation areas.

There is only one piece missing from this puzzle.

An amazing location - check

Sun and wind - check

Fantastic instructors - check

A great base - check

You - the one thing that is missing!

If you want to learn kitesurfing from great instructors in a fantastic atmosphere in a kitesurfer’s paradise, check out our kitesurfing courses and choose something that suits you.

And if you just want to go for a swim – pack your power kite or simply rent the equipment on site.

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Kitesurfing courses

Our spot in El Gouna

Center RedSeaZone

El Gouna

Kitesurfing course booking form

course type

Group courses

Individual course

8 hours PROMO* Course

10 hours PROMO* Course

12 hours PROMO* Course


16 hours PROMO* Course

Group courses

Individual course

Single hour



Name and Surmane

E-mail address

Date from when

Date till when